Bible verses are very important for our day to day lives. A life without a positive direction is guaranteed to lead to so many unnecessary complications. We all have a positive purpose on earth; even though that many people are yet to realize and connect with theirs. Reading bible verses can definitely help one to connect with one’s positive inner voices in order to find peace of mind and live a purpose driven-life. God is a very gracious and merciful Father. He is always willing to forgive us from our sins and give us a fresh start in life. He is a very forgiving and loving Father. So, never hesitate to confess all your sins to Him in your prayers. There is non like Him, and will never be. As long as you consistently do your part with courage and faith, whatever you ask Him through His Son Jesus Christ would surely come into manifestation. He that is with Him will never lack His heavenly joy, guidance, protection, grace and blessings. God’s direction is the best meaningful path to take on earth because He brought us into this world and knows what’s absolutely best for us. Enjoy these bible verses, scriptures and passages about God’s word, love, grace, mercy, salvation, strength, protection, guidance and wisdom.

God has already instilled in you the mental strength and courage to walk through life with a mind that isn’t full of uncontrollable fears and doubts.

Today and days to come are full of God’s possibilities and opportunities. Try not to let your past distract you from receiving your present and future blessings.

If you want to guide a youth on the right path in life, nurture his or her mind frequently with the word of God.

Learn to pray to God our heavenly father in good and bad times. Be patient and persistent in times of struggles, challenges and obstacles. Always place your faith in Him no matter what condition you find yourself in. He is a God that will never fail on His promises to us.

Focus more on God’s guidance through your inner positive voices instead of always going by your worldly wisdom and understanding.

God would free you from your worldly burdens, fears, worries, and doubts if you come to Him for his guidance and protection.

Bible verses, scriptures and passages about God’s word, love, grace, mercy, salvation, strength, protection, guidance and wisdom.