God and Jesus are constantly watching over you in all circumstances. Jesus is your rock and salvation, but you must first acknowledge Him as your rock and salvation before He could guide you to the reality of your positive purpose on earth. Jesus keeps His promises no matter how big they are. He never fails those who trust and believe in Him. He is always fully ready to help us fight and win any battle that we are faced with. Jesus is always ready to help you succeed in life if you are also willing help yourself by always persisting to fulfill your own side of the bargain. -Jesus is always watching over you in all your struggles, challenges and obstacles, but you should never forget to call on His mighty name as often as possible..

Don’t allow yourself to become a prisoner of fear. You cannot live your life to the fullest by always living in fear. Your fears are inferior to Jesus and the courage that God instilled in your upon birth. Jesus is always watching over you even when you are going through some sorrow, temptations, troubles, trials and tribulations. However, you have to call upon His mighty name to come in and rescue you. He is capable of fighting and winning any war for you, but you have to first accept Him as your Lord and personal savior. Jesus is always ready to help – Jesus is always watching over you.

Don’t expect God and Jesus to come to your rescue if you aren’t ready to first help yourself to the best of your ability. You can’t expect Jesus to run your race for you if you aren’t willing to run as far as you humanly can. Jesus is willing and ready to help you solve any problem in your life. He is ready to take the lead of your life’s journey and guide you to a life of abundance no matter what your current circumstances are.