You were brought into this life to experience success and happiness in abundance just like every happy and successful person on earth. God instilled in you the courage to face your fears and challenge your doubts without losing faith in the possibilities that lie in your future. As long as you keep your faith in God alive and well, you would never lack the courage to move through all of your challenges and obstacles that are temporarily standing in your way of getting to where you are truly appointed to be in life. God has the perfect solution to whatever it is that you are going through in life, and this is why you must believe in His heavenly guidance and protection for your life. You have to think and walk courageously in the journey of life, if you want to experience the reality of your true destiny on earth. You weren’t brought into this life to allow yourself to live in fear and doubts. You weren’t created to settle for things that are far less than your positive desires in life. You were born to live courageously, confidently, happily and successfully. However, you should continuously do everything in your power to keep putting your trust, faith, and hope in the Lord your God.

Place your faith, trust, and hope in God, and He would surely give you the courage to face and overcome all your challenges and obstacles.