School education and self-education are highly important in our various lives. School education has an end to it, but self-education doesn’t. It keeps on going as long as we don’t allow our enthusiasm for greater knowledge and wisdom to come to a definite end. The more you educate your mind, the brighter your future becomes. You cannot achieve an extraordinary life with a mediocre mind. You have to continuously upgrade your mind in order to keep introducing your life to greater heights of success and happiness. Learn as often as possible; teach as many people as possible; aim without limitations; climb as high as you possibly can, and never forget to bring along those who are willing to lift themselves up from the bottom. Good teachers and enthusiastic students will always help make the world a much better place. You were brought into this life to endlessly progress. However, you need knowledge in order to keep progressing. Even though that education leads to knowledge, but knowledge without consistent practice never leads to greatness or wisdom. So you must ensure that you are religiously putting your knowledge into practice. Enjoy these educational quotes and images about school education, self-education, teaching, learning, teachers, students, children, life and success.

These quotes about education are very uplifting and enlightening. We have to fall in love with the path to endless learning. The more that we know, the less likely for us to allow ourselves to live in a mediocre state. We can all achieve success, but we must ensure that we are constantly equipping our minds with the things that sure is made of.

Real Education should prepare us for a selfless journey on earth. We all have the positive purpose to help one another in any possible way that we can. Self-education can take us to some unbelievable places in life if we never lose the enthusiasm for it.

The main importance of true education is to prepare you for a lifetime of endless self-education. Quotes and Images about Life, Success, School Education, Self-Education, Teachers, Children, Learning, Teaching and Students.

Give your mind the gift of a good education, and you would never cry for a lack of opportunity in life.

No matter what your circumstance in life is, never convince yourself to believe that you are incapable of finding some effective ways to constantly introduce your mind to greater knowledge and wisdom. Keep your mind active with learning from knowledgeable minds and teaching others.

The right level of education can unarguably liberate many minds from habitually engaging in a lot of self-destructive decisions and actions. Quotes and Images about Life, Success, School Education, Self-Education, Teachers, Children, Learning, Teaching and Students.

No level of education will ever be sufficient enough to dare to stop seeking. The quest for education is a lifetime journey. When you finish with school education, you must continue with self-education for the rest of your existence on earth.

Education is far from being the purpose of gaining the right certifications to get a good paying job; instead, it’s a quest to keep discovering your abilities and capabilities for the rest of your stay on earth.

Be a lifetime teacher and learner. Teaching and learning should be endless. The world we live in is forever changing, and we have to keep learning and teaching in order to stay ahead of things.

Learning and practicing are what true education is. Having all the knowledge in the world without putting them into practice is like having a great plan of action, and at the same time refusing to rise to the challenge to execute it. Quotes and Images about Life, Success, School Education, Self-Education, Teachers, Children, Learning, Teaching and Students.