Education creates a strong foundation to one’s existence. It gives one’s mind a very stable pillar to stand on. Without it, one’s life would likely miss its destined direction of positive fulfillment. He who has a sound education has all the tools that he needs to climb to greater heights. There’s no door of opportunity or possibility that a sound education cannot unlock. The world demands that we all get in the habit of educating one another to become more educated about life. As long as you are alive to witness a brand new day, you must persist in acquiring knowledge and gaining wisdom. Learn from as many educated minds as often as possible. Educate your mind regularly with words of positive enlightenment. Spend some of time to teach those who can benefit from your self-education. Be as open-minded as possible, so as to not limit yourself from some learning opportunities. Learn from your mistakes and failures in order to turn your present and future into some series of great success stories. Enjoy these educational quotes and images about the true purpose of education, learning, teaching, school education, acquiring knowledge, gaining wisdom, educate your mind, being educated and self-education.

Being open-minded is a character trait that ignorant people will never know about. True self-education is the enemy of close-mindedness.

To know, is knowledge. To be able to put into consistent practice what you have learned, is wisdom. The purpose of education is to gain the level of knowledge that serves as the ultimate key to wisdom. Quotes and Images about the True Purpose of Education, Learning, Teaching, Acquiring Knowledge, Gaining Wisdom, Educate Your Mind, Being Educated and Self-Education.

True education follows one through life, unlike the things one was taught in school for the purpose of passing a test. Education is a journey of habitually acquiring knowledge and gaining wisdom.

If you are still living in the dark, your mind is yet to be educated. Educate your mind and free yourself from darkness.

Nations full of properly trained children are the main solutions to many of the problems the world is currently facing.

Any institution that fails to teach their students to gain intelligence, character and to become critical thinkers, misses the whole purpose of true education. Quotes and Images about the True Purpose of Education, Learning, Teaching, Acquiring Knowledge, Gaining Wisdom, Educate Your Mind, Being Educated and Self-Education.

If you cannot control your temper and maintain your self-confidence in the midst of people’s negative opinions of you, you haven’t gained a sound level of education.

There’s no such thing as acquiring a sound education without nurturing your mind and heart to always align in the direction of positivity.

Life is about learning to acquire a better understanding of your existence on earth in order to positively explore your life to the fullest.

Unlock your world and gain your freedom by endlessly walking on the path of self-education. You can never go wrong in life by choosing to frequently educate your mind with words of enlightenment

Good teachers should always teach their students about the need to seek within to discover their hidden abilities and capabilities.

The true purpose of learning is far beyond preparing the students to pass a test. The main purpose of education should center on educating students to become critical thinkers and how to search within to discover their true positive purpose in life. Quotes and Images about the True Purpose of Education, Learning, Teaching, Acquiring Knowledge, Gaining Wisdom, Educate Your Mind, Being Educated and Self-Education.