For how long are you going to keep allowing your fear to determine the direction of your life? For how long are you going to keep fighting your life’s battles without bringing God onboard to lead from the front? it is very necessary to live your daily life with a clear understanding that you can only be as strong as God and Jesus allow you to become. So why not call on them as often as possible for their heavenly wisdom, understanding, guidance and protection? Fear doesn’t care about what your destiny has in store for you. It only comes to decrease the quality of your life. It places so many unnecessary limitations in your daily decisions and actions. It occupies your mind with everything that’s going wrong in your life and the things that could also go wrong instead of the things that are going well in your life and other things that could go right. This is why you have to get closer to God and Jesus; so that you are always filled with the faith, hope, courage, and confidence that you need to keep living peacefully, aiming higher, and pressing forward in all circumstances. There’s no level of storm that the Lord your God cannot calm in your life. There is no wound that He cannot heal in your life. He can lift your burdens from your shoulders; mend your broken heart; grant you the mental sight to see life’s limitless possibilities and opportunities; shield you from all your enemies; grant you with the wisdom and understanding to make the right judgments and take consistent calculated actions that the manifestation of your destiny demands. So, why permit fear to control your life, when God has already equipped you with an inner mental strength that’s capable of challenging and defeating any thought of fear in your mind? Why allow yourself to fall a victim to your enemy, when God and Jesus are always willing and ready to fight your battles for you? Why turn your mind into a product of fears and doubts, when your mind are capable of sheltering the beliefs that confidence, courage, hope, and faith are made of? The Journey of Life is a Battle – Fear is Your Enemy – Fight Your Fears With the Guidance and Protection of God and Jesus.

Stop fighting your battles alone, and start letting God and Jesus take the lead and help you fight your battles. There is no battle that they cannot lead you through. There are no adversities they cannot guide you through and make you wiser and stronger at the very end of every single one of them. Therefore, it is very important that you always defend yourself against all fears and negative forces by frequently calling on God and Jesus for their daily guidance and protection in your daily journey. If you keep holding on to God and Jesus, fear would never succeed in getting complete hold of your life and start to control your existence. The Journey of Life is a Battle – Fear is Your Enemy – Fight Your Fears With the Guidance and Protection of God and Jesus – True Wisdom and Understanding Come From the Lord Your God – You are Safe With Jesus as Your Rock and Salvation.