The world surely needs more people who are willing to live selflessly for the benefit of the people from all backgrounds. The world desperately needs more peace, love and unity. Division will never lead us to the promise land that we all desire. There is absolutely no denial that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived quite an extraordinary purpose driven life on earth. His life was quite a memorable one, and will forever be passed on from one generation to the next. His footsteps will forever be emulated by many minds all across the world. He spoke about love, peace, and unity because he didn’t believe in achieving a positive change through hate, violence or division. He stood equally for people of all races and religions. He loved everyone unconditionally despite his differences with them. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Inspirational Quotes and Images about Life, Love, Forgiveness, Forgive, Darkness, Light, Evil, Hate, Moving Forward,Unity, Justice, Social Injustice, Violence and Peace.

There is no circumstance dire enough to qualify as a reasonable excuse for failing to move forward. No matter how tough or rough the journey gets, always dig in deep to find a reason to keep moving forward.

Your life on earth isn’t only about what you can do for yourself and your family, but also about what you could do for the people who aren’t in a position to return the favor.

Racial Injustice will never lead any nation to its true potential. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Inspirational Quotes and Images about Life, Love, Hate, Unity, Justice, Social Injustice, Violence and Peace.

Peace never seizes to exist wherever there’s continuous justice. We were brought on earth to love one another, but we have allowed social injustice to get in the way of us achieving our destined social peace and unity.

Hate is and will always be the enemy of love. Fighting hate with hate will only lead to more hate. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes and Images about Life, Love, Hate, Unity, Justice, Social Injustice, Light, Darkness, Violence and Peace.

In order to succeed in loving others, you must be able overlook their imperfections. Unconditional love is the only way we can move forward as a people. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes and Images about Life, Moving Forward, Forgiveness, Forgive, Love, Hate, Unity, Justice, Social Injustice, Violence and Peace.

Why let your circumstances control your life when you are very capable of controlling them with repeated positive interpretations?

It is your duty as a human being to firmly stand for justice at all times, even when the injustice isn’t directed against you.

If you allow anymore to drive you to harbor hate in your heart, you would have allowed them to push you into driving love and peace out of your life. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Inspirational Quotes and Images about Life, Forgive, Forgiveness, Darkness, Light, Evil, Love, Hate, Unity, Moving Forward, Justice, Social Injustice, Violence and Peace.