Reading some positive messages is a very positive daily ritual to have. The mind is meant to be maintained on a daily basis. You must consistently feed your mind with positive messages if you expect to continuously dwell in the direction of positivity. This is why it is highly important to frequently read about thoughts, decisions, and actions of positive people minded people. The great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. touched on different important subjects such as violence, the function of education, peace, love, a call to serve, unconditional love, hate, justice, injustice, brotherhood and hope. These are very important topics because they play some major roles in the making or breaking of the world. We can’t expect to make the world a better while allowing hate to spread like a wildfire. We cannot expect to live in a world that is very united if we continue to just other by their race or religion. We must learn to focus on the beauty that is in every one of us. What is wrong is wrong, and we must learn to speak against them at all times. Enjoy these Inspirational Dr. Martin Luther King Quotes and Images about Violence, Nonviolence, Peace, The Function of Education, Brotherhood, Hope, Unconditional Love, Hate, Injustice and Justice.

Always fight for justice where there is none. Injustice is a major a threat to a nation’s full potential.

The world needs more people who are very uncomfortable with harboring hate in their hearts or engaging in violent acts. Nonviolence is one the keys to a peaceful mind. Violence is never the right solution for injustice.

We are all brothers and sisters walking on the face of earth. We owe to one another to always place our differences aside in order to genuinely love and care for each other. Inspirational Dr. Martin Luther King Quotes and Images about Violence, Nonviolence, Peace, The Function of Education, Brotherhood, Hope, Unconditional Love, Hate, Injustice and Justice.

Education without morality defeats the main purpose of education. It should also train us to become better critical thinkers. As well as to be able to separate the true from the false. Most importantly, to understand the needs for us humans to love and care for one anther in all circumstances, Inspirational Dr. Martin Luther King Quotes and Images about Violence, Nonviolence, Peace, The Function of Education, Brotherhood, Hope, Unconditional Love, Hate, Injustice and Justice.