You could become very unstoppable with the guidance and protection of God and Jesus. You cannot become a helpless victim of fear if you convince yourself to believe that you were born to triumph in all circumstances. With God on the lead, there’s no reason to live in fear. Fear can only control your life if you repeatedly interpret it to be great than your courage. Your God’s given destiny is counting on you to stop living your life in fear and start confidently and courageously walking in the direction of your destiny. Why live in fear when the Lord your God is capable of pushing you through all your struggles, challenges and obstacles? Why dwell in fear when fear is nothing but a product of negative thoughts that can be turned around with repeated positive interpretations of your fearful situation or condition? Jesus is always waiting to be your helping hand, savior, refuge, friend, strength and salvation. Fear can only cripple a mind that lacks consistent words of positive encouragement. A mind can only operate based on the things that are frequently fed to it. In other words, if you frequently remind yourself that God is your great protector and also the chief commander of everything in the world, and whatever He says must surely come to vindicate; you would definitely be governed by fear. Stop Living Your Life in Fear – Fight Your Fear With God and Jesus.