Until the end of time, God’s power and blessings will always be infinite. He will always be very powerful and merciful. Therefore, what is possibly there to lose by placing your trust and faith in Him? Align your life with the word of God, and you would never again be a stranger to success and happiness in abundance. Don’t let your thoughts, decisions, and actions limit God’s guidance, protection, and blessings that you were born to receive. Let your daily thoughts, decisions, and actions align completely with your positive desires instead of always contradicting their chances of coming into manifestation. No matter how the storms of trials and tribulations blow, never talk yourself into living in fear and doubts. Every single day that you are blessed enough to witness, is a priceless opportunity to place your faith and trust in God. Every moment comes with enough reasons for you to give thanks to God and to keep believing in His ability to lead you to some amazing destinations in your life’s journey. With that being said, you have to live your daily life with a mental attitude that bonds with the reality that your father in heaven is the most powerful helping hand that you can ever have. God’s power and blessings are infinite – He is a very powerful and merciful God.

There’s no limit to God’s power. There is no realistic end to your appointed blessings in life. Your future is full of success, but you have to make sure that you never allow yourself to get in your own way. God is very powerful and merciful. He can turn any negative situation into a positive condition. Your father in heaven is too powerful for you to be dwelling in doubts and fears. God is capable of reversing your sickness, negative situations and problems. God’s power is beyond our imagination. It is infinite and will always be. Therefore, it is very important that you live your daily life with courage, confidence, and faith because your father in heaven is the greatest and most powerful king. With Him on your side, no one else but yourself could stop you from experiencing His heavenly guidance, protection and blessings.