No matter how strong the storms of adversities get in your life, always remind yourself that you are highly favored and protected by God. No matter how many evil minds that are planning against you, God’s protection in your life will always overcome their evil plans. Nevertheless, you have to strongly believe in the greatness of God’s guidance and protection before they could effectively manifest in your life. The lack of faith in your heart could get in the way of the manifestation of God’s plans for you. The negative opinions and wishes of negative people are very irrelevant to those who are highly favored and protected by God. No other guidance and protection other than the ones that come from God are guaranteed in life. This is why you must never hesitate to place your trust and faith in God. Living in fear and worries can only happen when one doesn’t believe that God is capable of guiding and protecting them in all struggles, challenges and obstacles. You should always let your thoughts, decisions, and actions be governed by faith, courage, confidence and optimism even while in the midst of trials and tribulations. You have absolutely nothing to lose by placing your trust and faith in God because whatever He says can never be changed by men or evil forces. He sees your future clearly because He is the author of your life, and only Him that can decide your next destination or outcome as long as you keep following His words of guidance through your inner positive voices. No matter how dire your circumstances get, never allow your thoughts to discourage you from believing that you are in God’s hands of guidance and protection. With that being said, it is your sole responsibility to never condition your mind to start believing that you aren’t highly favored and protected by God.

Your are protected by God. You have absolutely nothing to fear. God is the best shield that you could ever have in your life, and He is capable of winning every single battle for you. Keep your mind frequently occupied with the word of God. Believe in His promises, guidance, protection, wisdom, understanding, and His appointed destiny for your life. He is the only protector that you can place your whole trust and faith in without a single chance of been disappointed. He can never fail you in any battle that you call upon Him to fight for you. His guidance and protection can only lead you to the land of prosperity and happiness. Your life is destined to be a journey of endless success and happiness. You definitely are in God’s hands of guidance and protection – You are highly favored and protected by God. Dare not to allow anyone or your circumstances to make you feel otherwise.