Every single day that you are alive to walk through the face of the earth, is a wonderful opportunity to help someone to experience a happy life. This means that you must have it in your heart to share your love and happiness with others. Making a positive difference in the lives of others is one of our true purpose on earth. There’s enough compassion, love, kindness, joy, and words of positive encouragement in you to share with those who are in desperate need of them. The more that you share your happiness with others, the more happier that you are likely to become. There is just a great feeling that comes with helping others find happiness in their lives. We all have it in us to inspire others to be happy by turning our hearts into permanent shelters for compassion. There’s always a way to help someone out there no matter how small it is. You can definitely shine a positive light on someone else’s life by sharing some words of positive encouragement with them as often as you can. You can help others to experience a happy life by teaching them to be very mindful of the thoughts that they frequently occupy their minds with. You can make them understand that their feelings and emotions will always follow the directions of their repeated self-talk. This means that in order for them to live a happy life, they would all have to learn to entertain their minds with grateful thoughts and to also repeatedly place some positive interpretations on their negative experiences. There is absolutely nothing to lose in the process of helping someone to experience a happy life. The more that you speak about a life of success and happiness to others, the more conditioned that your mind would be programmed to never settle for anything less than success and happiness in abundance. Therefore, you should feel free to compassionately share your love and happiness with others. Dare to become the best compassionate version of you that you were born to be.

Life isn’t only about what you could do for yourself, but also about what you can do for others. It isn’t only about how much success that you can achieve for yourself, but also how much that you could help others attain in their lives. There are so many people who are walking through life feeling hopeless and helpless. They are unable to envision the light of hope that lies at the very end of their tunnel of adversity. Some of them have given up on humanity because they believe that no one cares about their struggles, challenges or obstacles. They believe that no one loves them enough to care about their success and happiness. This is why we have to be as nice to as many people as possible because we cannot always tell who is in desperate need to be treated with compassion. With that being said, please feel free to help someone to experience a happy life – Share your love and happiness with others.