Success and happiness are both written in the book of your destiny by the Lord your God. Therefore, you must do your best to keep your faith and hope alive by strongly believing in God’s promises for your life no matter the conditions or situations that you are currently in. Life’s great possibilities don’t exist where there is no trust, faith, hope, confidence, courage, persistent, perseverance and patience. God wants the very best for your life , but you must always think and act in ways that are in line with the things that God has written in the book of your destiny. Your daily thoughts, decisions, and actions will always determine whether you would get to witness the reality of your true destiny on earth or not. You can’t continue to go against God’s plan for your life and at the same time still have faith and hope that his promises for your life would come to vindication. You have to first relentlessly help yourself before God could help you with the things that are greater than your abilities and capabilities. Therefore, the very moment that you are blessed enough to witness, is calling on you to continue do the very best that you can possibly do, and then place all your trust, faith, and hope in God to do the rest for you until a life of great success and unconditional happiness become your new reality on earth.
Always keep your hope and faith alive in all conditions or situations by holding fast to Jesus