Originality and imitation quotes and images are very important in our day to day lives because far too many people are too busy trying to imitate the lives of others instead of striving to become their true original selves. They feel more comfortable following the crowd mentality than answering the calling of their true purpose in life. The truth of the matter is that no one can reach a state of positively fulfilled existence without choosing to travel in the direction of originality over the path of imitation. Your greatest abilities and capabilities in life can only be embraced when you start to be comfortable with your true original self. Your true destiny in life is counting on you to habitually learn to embrace your unique positive purpose on earth no matter how unpopular it is. You cannot live a positively fulfilled by always trying to be like others while leaving your true self unattended to. Enjoy these inspirational and motivational originality and imitation quotes and images – Inspiring and uplifting be original quote with image.