Inspirational Quotes of the Day to live by
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When you place your trust in people or things, there is always a possibility that they might end up disappointing you. But when you put all your trust in God, it becomes a given that He will never betray you no matter what happens. He brought you into this life, and only Him knows what is best for you. Therefore, do you want to place your whole trust in people or in your heavenly father that your daily life is already in His Mighty hands? The air that you breathe is absolutely His, and even in your sleep He continues to supply it to you. Apparently, you already trust in His ability to continue to supply you with air, so why not trust Him in everything else about your life? If he can give you the breath of life, there is no denial that He can give you everything else. Please take some moments of your time to read these Christian Poems about who do you trust? Always remember that people disappoint, but God doesn’t.


Poem about Who do you turn to when you are all alone - Who do you trustChristian Poem about who do you trust?| Do you trust Jesus?|Have trust in God Poems|People disappoint, but
God doesn’t

Who Do you Trust Christian Poem


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