When you seek peace of mind through Jesus Christ, you would be absolutely guaranteed to find it in abundance. His plan for every single one of us is for us to live happily and successful. Nothing else in this world could compete with the level of peace that Jesus brings to every mind that believes in Him and honor His Holy name. With Him on your side, victory and joy would always be yours.
“Be at peace with Jesus!
Hold no grudges.
Speak no unkind words.
Harbor no unkind thoughts.
For it’s the little kindnesses
And the little spoken words
that give you peace with Him
and bring you the blessings you want.
Know within your own heart
what you must purge
thave true fellowship with the Lord.
Set your mind, your heart, and your soul
to be at peace with Jesus1
Then, in your darkest hour,
When you need Him the most,
You will know that Jesus is with you.
His light will shine in your life, and
His peace will surround you!”
Poem by Ken Pilcher, Jr.