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Who can possibly be against you when Jesus is already on your side? Who can keep you down when Jesus is already busy taking you higher? Jesus lives in you day in and day out, and no one or anything can ever succeed in standing between you and your destiny as long as you keep accepting Him as your Lord and personal savior.  Always pray with faith and believe in God’s ability to change the “unchangeable” in your life. Have your trust in God and always be true to your positive self. Always remember that your daily thoughts can either drive you closer to your God’s destined blessings or away from them. Keep your imagination fully focused on the endless possibilities that the Lord has for you. Jesus is with you and will always be with you till the end of time.


Jesus is always with you poem


Pray with Faith - Expect your blessings from God poem

Pray with faith|Who can be against you if the Lord is with you|Jesus lives in you Poem|Poems

Who can be against you if God is on your side


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