God is always listening to our prayers and He’s very merciful enough to come to our rescue. He would never turn His back on us as long as we don’t stop acknowledging Him as our creator. There is nothing on earth that’s too big for God to change in our lives. He is always willing to forgive us from all of our sins. He is always ready to deliver us from our unrighteousness in order to liberate us from the bondage of negativity. He is the God of forgiveness, kindness, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, abundance and unconditional love. God and Jesus are very merciful and kind. They want nothing but the absolute best for you. However, you have to help them to help you by permitting your thoughts, decisions, and actions to frequently travel in the direction of your positive purpose on earth. The Lord is your personal savior and the only guidance and protection that your life needs the most. Please Read and Put Into Use These Prayers about Forgiveness, Understanding, Right Judgment, Knowledge, Wisdom, Reverence, and Bondage Breaking – Prayer – Lord – God – Jesus Christ.

This prayer to the Lord Jesus is quite helpful for whenever in need of breaking a bondage in your life. You weren’t brought into this life to be held in a bondage. You were born to live freely in the direction of your true positive purpose on earth. Bondage breaking prayers are very necessary because negative bondages could hinder us from experiencing a life of abundance if we leave them unbroken. Negative energy and a positive life cannot coexist; so, we should try our very best to get in the habit of breaking any bondage that we find ourselves in. God is a the greatest liberated, and there’s absolutely no bondage that He cannot liberate you from. Trust in Him with all your heart, and have taith in His ability to free you from any bondage.

Prayers for wisdom, knowledge, judgment, reverence, wander and awe, understanding and courage. Whatever it is that you cannot achieve through your human abilities and capabilities, you must take it to God’s hands for His heavenly solution. All your positive desires are possible through God. God is never tired of fulfilling our positive desires, but we must get in the habit of thanking Him very often for His heavenly blessings and grace. Prayer gets us closer to God.

God understands that we are all far from perfection. He knows that we all have some flaws in our lives. However, He expects us to come to Him very often to confess all our sins. He is always willing to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness in order make us righteous by freeing us from the bondage of negativity. Forgiveness is surely one of the things that He’s known for because unlike humans, He can forgive and forget our sins as long as we sincerely come to Him to ask Him for forgiveness.

A wife’s prayer to God for the forgiveness of her lack of faith; for the protection of her life, her husband, children, jobs and finances. God’s blessings never run out. A life of abundance is a gift that He has for all who continue to get closer and closer to Him through frequent prayers and good deeds. Jesus is your Lord and personal savior, and you should give thanks to Him as often as possible for working hand in hand with God to offer you the best possible guidance and protection. Prayers about Forgiveness, Understanding, Right Judgment, Knowledge, Wisdom, Reverence, and Bondage Breaking – Prayer – Lord – God – Jesus Christ.