Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of the Day by Edmond Mbiaka 1. “You can point your finger at everyone out there for the cause of lack of happiness in your life, but the true reality of life is that only you have the power to deprive yourself from living a happy life. Happiness is absolutely nothing but dwelling in a positive state of mind.” 2. “Life is full of a lot of great possibilities, but only a positively programmed mind has the right mental eye to envision them.” 3. “The direction of a person’s future first starts from their frequent thought patterns. Never in the history of mankind has anyone arrived at a positive destination through the path of consistent negative thoughts.” 4. “A man’s world is only as big as his mind allows him to desire. There is nothing worth keeping that is ever attainable without a strong positive desire followed by consistent action.” 5. “When you only limit yourself to where the path seems easy, you are at the same time limiting yourself from all the great possibilities that the universe has to offer. Moreover, you can never tell what you are truly made of until you start daring yourself to get out of your comfort zone and step into the land of the unknown” 6. “Always keep your mind entertained with positive thoughts because negative thoughts are always wandering around looking for minds to dominate. Your frequent thoughts create your feelings in life.” 7. “Some men cry about the things they don’t have; while others are busy creating some extraordinary thing from the ordinary things they have. Therefore, don’t cry about not having enough opportunities in life. Stand up with faith and courage, go out there with full confidence, and begin to create opportunities for yourself. This is the only luck there is to a life of success. Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of the Day by Edmond Mbiaka

Hate has never brought any ounce of happiness in anyone’s life. It steals one’s peace of mind whenever it is granted a shelter in one’s mind. Famous Quote of the day

Learn to love yourself unconditionally, and you would find the mental strength to put the pieces of your life together. Quotation of the Day about Love

Always focus on finding the beauty of every single day you are alive to witness. Through habitual positive self-talk, you can live happily and successfully despite your current circumstances. Quote of the day about life
8. “Your thoughts hold the key to your future. They can either bring the very best out of you or the worst out of you. Your future self is counting on you to positively think your way to success and happiness. However, you should try not to forget to turn your positive thoughts into consistent actions. History has shown us that goals and dreams without actions, are nothing but wishful thinking.” 9. “A lot of the things that hold us back in life are not the negative experiences that we go through in life; rather, we are usually held back by our own negative interpretations of our negative experiences.” 10. “Be careful of what you repeatedly say to yourself because your subconscious mind is always listening and learning.” 11. “No matter how rough and strong the wind blows, it will always come to a calm. Therefore, you must habitually keep your faith and hope alive as you travel through the journey of struggles and challenges.” 12. “If the going is extremely hard, by all means keep going, because this is your only way out of your struggles and challenges.” 13. “No matter what condition that you find yourself in, never allow anyone to be the master of your own thoughts. No one owns the right to your thoughts.” 14. “You must first let go of yesterday’s negative experiences before you could embrace today’s blessings while preparing to seize tomorrow’s opportunities and possibilities.” 15. “You must activate the positive mental eye of your mind in order to frequently see the shining light of every opportunity that comes around you. Life is obviously too short for us to dare to procrastinate on seizing our opportunities in life.” 16. “Even if you only have a single breath left in you, by all means never stop moving forward, because the next forward step you take could reverse all your pain and sorrow into everlasting joy.” Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of the Day by Edmond Mbiaka

When you are surrounded with the darkness of trials and tribulations, shine the brightest by activating the positive light of your mental eye to envision all the positive rewards that lies in the future. Quotes of the Day-Inspiring Quote

Success only starts to manifest in one’s life when one learns to put one’s knowledge into consistent practice. The possibilities of happiness and success are impossible without actions. Powerful Quote of the Day

Focus on your positive desires and stop allowing people’s negative opinions of you and your negative thoughts to get in your way of a happy and successful life.
Inspirational and Motivational Quotes of the Day by Edmond Mbiaka