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Worrying  and anxieties are only possible in the lives of those who focus on the dark side of life instead of its bright side. No matter what your circumstances are in life, there’s not a single reason for you to live with anxiety. Your presence on earth is definitely a special gift from God to the world. Why worry about the present or what the future holds, when God has already declared in the book of your destiny that you will experience a life of success and happiness? Why worry about what negative minds think or say about you when it’s clear enough that they aren’t your creator? Why worry about your mistakes and failures when they are only meant to be learned from? You have God and Jesus in your life, and there’s absolutely no reason to worry about your mistakes and failures. There’s no need to be living with anxiety because of people’s perceptions f you. God loves you unconditionally, and His love is greater than every other love out there. You are fully complete with God and Jesus in your life and constantly working for the betterment of your existence. You were created to live happily and successfully, and not to live with anxieties and worries. Leave all your worries and anxieties in the hands of the Almighty God and Jesus. You have God and Jesus in your life, and there is no reason for you not to be fully at peace with the gift of life that you are fortunate enough to receive. Your trials and tribulations shouldn’t cause you to live with worries and anxiety; instead, they are only meant to toughen your mind for future challenges, struggles and obstacles. Please Take Minutes of Your Times to Read These Bible Verses about Anxiety and Worrying – Leave Your Worries and Anxieties in God’s Hands – Why Worry When You Have Jesus in Your Life  – Worrying about Your Trails and Tribulations – Scriptures – Passages – Bible Messages From the Word of God.

Bible-Verses-abour-Worry-and-Anxiety-Worrying-Passages-Messages-Scriptures - living in worries - God - Jesus Christ

Place your trust and faith in God and Jesus. They truly want you to live peacefully in the direction of your positive purpose on earth. They are greater than all your worries and anxieties. So there’s nothing that they cannot rescue you from if your place your faith and trust in them. Your worries and anxieties can only be tougher than you if you repeatedly interpret them to be greater than your mental abilities. God created you in His own Mighty image. You were born a winner and meant to remain a winner; however, it’s your sole responsibility to never allow yourself to believe otherwise.


You can never be broken by your trials and tribulations without you breaking your mind down with some repeated negative interpretations of them. You cannot live with anxieties and worries without first feeding your mind frequently with negative interpretations of your life. To worry is to not focus on embracing the gift of now and life’s endless possibilities. Worrying has never brought success or happiness to anyone’s life. Worries and anxieties can only come from habitual negative self-talk. To allow others to cause you to live with anxiety is unquestionably a very sad betrayal of your true destiny in life. God and Jesus are always waiting on you to call upon them to come to your rescue, and they have proven time after time to be some great problem solvers. Bible Verses About Anxiety and Worrying – Leave Your Worries and Anxieties in God’s Hands – Why Worry When You Have Jesus in Your Life – Negative Thoughts and Beliefs Cause One to Worry and Start to Live With Anxiety – Worrying About Your Trails and Tribulations – Scriptures to Help You Deal With Your Negative Feelings and Emotions – Passages – Bible Messages From the Word of God.


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