Trials and tribulation are only temporary to those who always call on Jesus to come to their rescue. No level or trial and tribulation can turn your into a life of failure without you betraying your destiny with negative beliefs. God is with you and without Him on your side, you will never be broken by your struggles, challenges and obstacles. There’s no denial that life will always throw some negative and positive experiences to you. Some things will happen as expected; while others will transpire unexpectedly. However, how you interpret them will always determine your constant feelings and emotions towards them. You can never see the true beauty of life if you are always busy focusing on the dark side of your life. Your day will never fail to be as good or as bad as the constant interpretations that you give to it. The most that you could do each day is to always give it your very best and faithfully leave the rest in God’s hands. You were brought on earth to overcome your circumstances and not to be held as a victim by them. Therefore, always call upon the name of the Lord to come to your rescue whenever you are going through the valley of struggle, challenge or obstacle. Call on God to Guide You Through Your Trials and Tribulations – Have Faith and Trust in Jesus to Always Come to Your Rescue – Be Strong and Courageous in Your Hour of Trial and Tribulation.

You cannot do it alone no matter how mentally strong that you are. You need God’s presence in your life. Instead of walking with so much pressure in your life, why not call on God to guide you through your trials and tribulations? No matter how unsolvable you believe that your problems are, they are very solable if you allow God to take absolute control of your life and your journey. No matter how tough you believe your battle to be, it is never a tough battle in God’s mind. So you should never hesitate to call on God’s name to lead you through in moments of trials and tribulations.

No matter what you are presently going through in your daily life, never stop believing that God is control of the things that are transpiring in your life and will surely guide you through all your trials and tribulations. There is no trial or tribulation that is too complicated for God to handle. Don’t allow your mind to be shackled by the chains of negativity. Keep your faith alive and trust in God’s ability to always come to your rescue in all circumstances. Call on God to Guide You Through Your Trials and Tribulations – Have Faith in Jesus – Trust in His Ability to Always Come to Your rescue

The Lord your God is always fully prepared to come to your rescue. There is nothing that Jesus cannot do for us through His father in heaven. Jesus is your best guidance and protection, and you should never hesitate to call on His name in times of trials and tribulations. The hour of trial and tribulation is not the end of your success and happiness; rather, it is a test for you to courageously and confidently persist and persevere until you are rewarded by God for your courage and faith. There’s not a single problem on earth that Jesus cannot solve for you. There is no battle that He cannot win for you. He can lift any burden for you. So, why hesitate to call on His name in moments of trials and tribulations?