If you want to succeed at living your life with a strong positive purpose, you must try your best not to allow your life to be controlled by your ego and distorted thinking habits. If it is your desire to do better in the future, you must seek for ways to effectively train your mind with continuous words of positive enlightenment. You can’t expect to do better in life while still holding on the mentality that have consistently hindered your from moving in the direction of your true potential. To become the best possible version of your true self, you must get rid of behaviors and habits that aren’t capable of elevating you on the ladder of success and happiness. With that being said, you should try your possible best to stay away from the habits of blaming, emotional reasoning, mind reading, heaven’s reward fallacy, being right, filtering, castastrophizing, control fallacies, polarized thinking, personalization, global labeling, fallacy of change, overgeneralization, and making excuses. You are the only one that’s capable of pushing yourself to the pinnacle of your destiny or pulling yourself very far away from its reality. Everything that you need to excel greatly in life is already within your reach, but you must ensure that you don’t adopt some negative habits that could hinder you from seeking and discovering your hidden abilities and capabilities in life. You cannot drastically change your life without letting go of the people, things, and habits that only come into your life to derail you from becoming a better version of your true positive self. The earlier you let go of your distorted thinking habits, the sooner you would start to realize the true joy and beauty of your life. In addition, your future self is always counting on you to starve your ego by constantly attending to the positive demands of your soul.