The Word of God From Bible Verses, Scriptures, Passages, Messages and Quotes From the New Testament and Old Testament about Expectations, Perseverance, Humanity, Compassion, Divine Judgment, Sinfulness, Vision, Ungodliness, Blessings, Oppression, Justice, Devotion to Evangelism, Reaping What your Sow, Righteousness, Positive Fulfillment, The Savior of the World, Jesus Christ, Heaven, Earth, Hell, The Coming of Messiah, Supreme Power, An Everlasting Life, Integrity, Faith, Christianity, Hope, Grace, Eternal Inheritance, Wealth, Problems, Selfish Ambition, Worship, Obedience, The Book of Life, Following God’s Guidance, The Return of Christ, Leaders, Church, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Mutual Respect, Courage, Discouragement, Fear, Our Destiny in Life, The knowledge of God, Moving Forward by Faith With God on the Lead, Despair, Sin, Defeat, Doubts, Redemption, Guidance, Protection, Controlling Your Tongue, God’s Wisdom and Understating, Temper, Leadership, Promise, Boldness, The Redeemer, Dealing Trials and Tribulations, Glorifying God, The Lessons of the Lord, Suffering, Opportunity, Antichrist, The Doctrines, Plan, Future, Sorrow, Life, Rituals, Reality, The Creator of the Earth and the Universe, Provision, Passion, The Word of God, God’s Promises to Us, God’s Greatness, Goodness and Glory.

Inspirational and Motivational Words of Positive Encouragement From the Word of God From Bible Verses, Scriptures, Passages, Messages and Quotes From the New Testament and Old Testament For Our Daily Bonding With Our God and Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Bible has all the answers that you need for a life of happiness and success in abundance. No matter how impossible things may seem in your life, God will surely come to your rescue if you strongly believe in His mighty heavenly power without allow your negative thoughts to drive you into holding to your fears and doubts. The Bible definitely has all that you need to know about receiving God’s wisdom and understanding. It also teaches about how our frequently thoughts determine who we get to become. It also tells us about the importance of placing our trust, faith, and hope in God in all circumstances. Always remember that as important as it is to read the bible on a regular basis, it is even more important to constantly practice the lessons you receive from bible teachings.