Our lives are full of possibilities. Moments of failures and mistakes are only meant to be learning and growing experiences in our lives rather than allowing them to discourage us from moving forward with courage, confidence, faith, perseverance and patience. If we fail to learn and grow from our ordeals, they would start to control us. Making some major positive changes in our lives creates some life changing positive results. You can’t change your life by doing the same things that created the life you are currently living. You cannot achieve success by thinking and making decisions like failures do. No one has ever lived like failures do by thinking and acting like successful people do. Life is a give and take journey. Whatver you frequent give to your life is what it will give back to you in return. In order to tell how bright or dark your future would become, you must begin by evaluating your frequent thoughts, decisions and actions. A life of success and happiness is available for everyone to experience on earth; however, you must be willing and able to pay your dues before you could experience some life changing positive outcomes. Enjoy these inspirational life changing and motivational success quotes about our frequent our thoughts, decisions and actions.