If you aren’t moving forward for whatever reason, you are standing in your own way. Regardless of your circumstances in life, if your aren’t moving forward, you are definitely being your worst enemy of progress. There is not a single excuse reasonable enough to not persist in moving forward. We all get to fail in life, but deciding to remain a failure is something that all winners vow to never settle for. If you are hungry enough for a better than the life you are currently living, you would never find it in your mind to settle for a stagnant or backwards life. Think positive, dream big, plan strategically, have faith, and then move confidently and courageously until your wishes become your new lifestyle. Enjoy these Inspirational and Motivational Images and Quotes about Moving Forward in Life – Move Forward with your Goals and Dreams
Your negative past and present circumstances can only interfere with your destiny if you fail to gain motivation from your future opportunities and possibilities.
You owe it to yourself to never bargain with fear and doubts no matter how bad things get. Moving forward is what you were brought on earth to do. Fear is the enemy of your destiny, and it’s your sole responsibility to consistently guard it against all fears and doubts.
Why look backwards when everything that you want out of life lies in the present or future? Moving forward is the only way that your wishes can become realities in your life. Happiness and success have never been sought and found without the willingness to let go of the past and move forward.
Images and Quotes about Moving Forward in Life – Move Forward with your Goals and Dreams – Pressing Forward
The art of moving forward starts from learning to understand that nothing will ever change no matter how long you hold on to the past. A positive change in life can only come from a positive change in direction.
Never stop believing in God’s ability to lead you through all your trials and tribulations.
No matter the attitudes of the people around you, never stop giving yourself enough reasons to keep pressing ahead. You don’t need everyone to believe in you or wish you well in order for you to travel successfully on the path of your destiny. What is meant to be yours will always be if you dare to never give up on yourself no matter how long or tough your journey is. Most of life’s greatest abilities can only be discovered by persistently moving forward.
Why walk away from your goals and dreams, when you already have everything that it takes to march forward until you embrace their realities? By all means, move forward to embrace your blessings.
A lot of things that have been made possible by many people where once considered impossible by most people. With that being said, many of the things that are currently seen as being impossible by a lot of people, will also one day be made possible by relentless people who refuse to stop moving forward with their abilities and capabilities.

Images and Quotes about Moving Forward in Life – Move Forward with your Goals and Dreams Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, and The Beatles never stopped pressing forward in the midst of their adversities. You too can also do the same.
Don’t ever permit your challenges, struggles, or obstacles to defeat you by forcing you to move backward. Dare not remain stagnant in life.
Your existence on earth is bigger than just working to pay bills. It is bigger than just trying to survive. You have to seek within to discover your true purpose on earth, so that you can spend the remaining on your lifetime on earth moving forward in its direction. Your purpose is where your true destiny lies. There is no such thing as living a very fulfilled life without traveling on the path of your appointed journey on earth. Once you find your true calling in life, trials and tribulation would never succeed in permanently obstructing you from moving forward towards the pinnacle of your destiny. You would become unstoppable regards of what life throws in your direction.
Images and Quotes about Moving Forward in Life – Moving Backwards – Move Forward with your Goals and Dreams – Pressing Ahead – Staying Stagnant