Jesus is our peace!
Jesus has purchased the right
to guide us,
to guard us,
to give us hope
to give us life, and
to give us peace!
Only Jesus can give you peace –
not as the world gives peace, but
when you have sorrow –
Have wipes away your tears.
when you are disappointed –
He makes hope blossom.
when you are in darkness —
he lights your way!
“Let not your be troubled. Peace I leave to you. My peace I give you!” Jn. 14:27
Poem by Ken Pilcher, Jr.
Have peace by leaning on Jesus completely
When you need someone to lean on,
when you need peace
from the confusion and
the anxieties of the day,
lean on Jesus.
Only by casting yourself completely
on the Lord, may you come to know
the real peace
that is promised to you.
Lean on His promise
To take your burdens
And give you rest. Matt. 11:28
For Jesus can take
all your burdens,
all your cares, and
all your anxieties upon Himself,
if and when you lean on Him..
Poem by Ken Pilcher, Jr.