Inspirational Quotes of the Day to live by
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You are definitely not alone in your daily endeavors. You don’t have to face your struggles, challenges and obstacles alone.  Jesus is always with you waiting for you to Call upon His Mighty name to help you with your needs and challenges. Nothing is too big for Him to shine the light of manifestation on. He loves you unconditionally, and He is always ready to add more positive meanings and blessings to your life. However, you must first understand that without Him in your life you are absolutely nothing. He brought you into this life with a clear positive purpose. So why not listen to the things He has to say to you? Always talk to Jesus when you are living with joy and in moments of pain and sorrows.

Talk to Jesus Poem

Where do you stand in life poem

Jesus loves you unconditionally Poem|Talk to Jesus|Have faith in Jesus and believe in His promises|Poems

Have faith in Jesus, he loves you


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