“Created to Do Good” Eph. 2:10
Jesus said, “Learn from Me.”
“Then He went around going good.”
Matt 11:29, Acts10:38
As His ambassadors,
We can do the same….
by showing a kindness here,
by showing a gentleness there, and
by not having any harsh words
for those who falter.
You are created to do good.
Let you every thought
be a song in your heart.
Let you every act
show a joy in your service.
Let your life be spent
Doing Good – In His Name!”
Poem by Ken Pilcher, Jr.
You are definitely created to do good on earth| Don’t allow fear to come into your life
“Don’t Let Fear Creep In!
The worries and fears of the day
can creep into your life
and take away
Your strength,
Your joy, and
Your happiness.
But Jesus says:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled
And do not be afraid.” John 14:27
“I will not leave you comfortless;
I will come to you.” John 14:18
Give fear no room in your life
Surround yourself with the words of Jesus
Fill your heart and mind with positive thoughts
based on His words.
Then your strength, joy, and happiness
Will be renewed!
With positive thoughts coming in,
Fear has to go out!”
Poem by Ken Pilcher, Jr.